School Visits/Educators

Having taught and worked with teachers for nearly thirty years, it goes without saying that I love visiting classrooms!  A number of teachers have graciously invited me to their classrooms to present on a number of topics. I’m also more than happy to do a reading from one of my books as well.

I’ve presented on the following topics to students from Grades One through Twelve.

  • My Writing Journey: How I Became a Self-published Author
  • The Five Writing Milestones: Why Your Story Needs Them
  • How to Write Adventure and Fairy Tale Genres
  • How to come up with a story idea using memory chains, heart maps and quick writes using mentor texts
  • I have to edit? How to do it using highlighting
  • How books are made: traditionally and self-published
  • One-0n-One critique sessions with budding young writers

If you have a different topic that I can cover for you, please let me know.  You can contact me for classroom visits or Skype calls at 

Classroom Visits Gallery


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